Creativity - Page 2

Get 2 Top Courses for Just $30!

Use your own words as a transformational healing tool with this inspiring bundle.
Haiku for Healing
Haiku for Healing
Haiku for Healing
Reg $35
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Letting Go of the Past With Writing
Letting Go of the Past With Writing
Reg $35
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All Creativity Courses - Page 2

21-Day Writing Meditation

21-Day Writing Meditation

The space between each of our thoughts is a window to our spirit and our truth. Learning how to tap into this space through meditation and writing can help you connect with unbridled creativity and imagination. In this course by Lissa Cowan, you’ll learn how to integrate guided meditation practices with transformational writing exercises to enrich your soul, build self-trust, and nurture compassion into your life.
21-Day Writing Meditation
Shakespeare Quotes to Start Your Day

Shakespeare Quotes to Start Your Day

William Shakespeare's inspiring plays, sonnets, and poems have stolen the hearts of audiences and readers across every corner of the world. In fact, it's almost impossible to overestimate his colossal impact on language, people, and cultures. This highly inspiring 365-day course presents you with an exceptional daily medley of Shakespeare's observations on life, politics, and nature: including excerpts from impassioned soliloquies, proverbial wisdom, and even rare prayers and curses. As the weeks progress, you'll be captivated by Shakespeare's astonishing grasp of the intricacies of the human soul and nature's miraculous beauty.
Shakespeare Quotes to Start Your Day
Write Heal Transform: A Magical Memoir Writing Course

Write Heal Transform: A Magical Memoir Writing Course

With this course, discover the magic of memoir writing and its power to heal and transform you. Using soulful and creative expression, this immersive journey will gently guide you through the process of writing your personal story. By taking time to examine and reflect upon your experiences, you will emerge with a better understanding of yourself and what has transpired in your life, leaving you with a greater sense of peace within your mind and heart.
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Overcoming Creative Anxiety

Overcoming Creative Anxiety

This course from America’s foremost creativity coach, Dr. Eric Maisel, helps creative individuals unravel the root causes of anxiety and provides proven coping mechanisms to ensure that working with their craft is a fulfilling experience. You’ll learn how to start and complete projects without overwhelm and get techniques that have supported thousands of artists to excel. By the end, you will hold all the tools to cultivate the rewarding, artistic-fueled life you love.
Overcoming Creative Anxiety
Way of Story Writing Course

Way of Story Writing Course

Stories can give people meaning and purpose in their life. This course by master storyteller Catherine Ann Jones will teach you how great stories can enlighten and empower action. With insightful teachings and exercises, you’ll learn how to create memorable dialogue, balance your writing craft with intuitive skills, and find your voice. These lessons will teach you how to clarify and reveal new things within yourself.
Way of Story Writing Course
Heal Yourself With Writing

Heal Yourself With Writing

Rewrite your life story and get in touch with your inner visionary. In this transformative course, award-winning author Catherine Ann Jones will guide you with writing prompts and soothing exercises to help you create a more positive perspective of yourself and your experiences. This cathartic practice will help you put the past where it belongs — behind you. By the end of this, you’ll embrace a new attitude on life and move forward feeling empowered.
Heal Yourself With Writing
A Year of Writing to Uncover the Authentic Self

A Year of Writing to Uncover the Authentic Self

Tell your story. This course, taught by bestselling author and writing mentor Rachel Astor, guides writers of all levels through a powerful journaling practice to connect with their inner truth, find forgiveness, and heal from the past. With the support of thought-provoking prompts and insightful lessons, you will be motivated to use writing as a tool for creativity and an emotional outlet. By the end of the year, you will have a greater sense of inner peace and confidence in your ability to express yourself in all areas of your life.
A Year of Writing to Uncover the Authentic Self
Meditative Painting to Heal Your Life

Meditative Painting to Heal Your Life

If you’re seeking a creative practice that will help you experience deep relaxation, look no further. In this course, creativity coach Whitney Freya provides step-by-step guidance to become more present through the soul-nourishing act of meditative painting. With the support of detailed video tutorials filmed in majestic locations, you'll learn how to activate your inner artist and paint sacred mandalas. And using mindfulness practices, you'll also be able to connect to Mother Earth's wisdom and nurture yourself with more joy, feel more grounded, and experience lasting calm.
Meditative Painting to Heal Your Life

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