Healing Mantras for Anxiety and Depression
Have you or someone in your family experienced anxiety and depression? Do you feel sad or anxious despite prescription antidepressants and tranquilizers? Are you interested in more natural and holistic treatments? If so, this course on Mantra Meditation was written just for you. Mantra Meditation is a powerful holistic alternative to prescription drugs when it comes to treating anxiety and depression.
Mantra Meditation, also called Mantra Therapy, is an important part of Ayurveda, the holistic medicine from India and the healing branch of yogic science. Sanskrit mantras, starting with OM, are sound formulas, packed with energy and intention, that have a profound effect on the body-mind. When these sound waves (mantras) are combined with thought waves (intentions), they become powerful tools for insight, healing, creativity and spiritual growth. The healing powers of Sanskrit chanting are just now being discovered in the Western world. Mantras use sound waves, sound energy, to heal our minds on the subconscious level, where the roots of our modern anxieties are found.
In this course you will learn seven of the most healing mantras from this Ayurvedic/Yoga of Sound tradition -- seven mantras for soothing anxiety and breaking through depression. Guided audio and video meditations are provided in each lesson so you can experience each mantra and chant along with the author.
Topics Covered:
- What is Mantra Meditation?
- OM: The Core Mantra Meditation
- The Peace Mantras
- Lokah Samastha: The Happiness Mantra
- Sat Nam: a Kundalini Antidote For Depression
- The Gayatri: A Mantra For Enlightenment
- The Triambakam: A Mantra For Power and Protection
- The Yoga of Sound