An inflexible streak in your personality can work against you today when you are dealing with conflict. Whereas this aspect of your character may mainly find an outlet in your intense dedication to your goals, it may show itself in your attitude toward others. You will likely encounter situations today in which you feel compelled to stubbornly defend your position when your affairs do not coincide peacefully with those of the people you care about. Before you can discuss these matters and come to a reasonable conclusion, you may need to remind yourself that what is important to you may not be as important to those individuals you care about.
The notion that others' needs and desires are as important as our own can be difficult to accept, yet when we grasp it, our relationships change for the better. We are less apt to respond stubbornly when our interests are in conflict with those of the people we care about because we can clearly see that the bond that exists between us is more important than nearly anything else. Similarly, we are more apt to regard compromise as the best solution as the value of flexibility is clear as it functions to keep peace in our personal and professional lives. Our goal is to support our loved ones and respected colleagues as they prosper -- not to pit our own success against theirs in an effort to compete. Your willingness to bend when compromise is necessary will insure the health of your partnerships today.