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How to Heal the Mother Wound
How to Heal the Mother Wound
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Speak With Purpose, Not Impulse
Speak With Purpose, Not Impulse
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All Self-Development & Healing Courses - Page 3

Heal Your Past, Heal Your Life

Heal Your Past, Heal Your Life

Clear emotional wounds and release negative energy to find lasting closure and inner peace with spiritual teacher Sara Wiseman. You’ll receive the support of restorative mindfulness techniques, identify the root cause of your pain from the past, and undo any harm it's causing you. Using powerful affirmations and reflections, you’ll also learn how to transform your mindset and access wisdom so you can emerge liberated and ready to claim the vision of the life you desire.
Heal Your Past, Heal Your Life
Overcoming Fear of Aging

Overcoming Fear of Aging

With age comes wisdom and clarity, but it can also bring fear, especially when it comes to being able to continue doing the things you love as you get older. Renowned psychologist Dr. Margit Henderson is opening her toolbox to aging gracefully — on an emotional, social, cognitive, and physical level. Expert insights and tools reveal how to enhance your cognitive flexibility, dismantle negative aging beliefs, nurture your relationships, incorporate more movement into your life, and develop a resilient aging vision of yourself.
Overcoming Fear of Aging
Creating Sacred Space for Your Relationship

Creating Sacred Space for Your Relationship

If you are feeling disconnected from your self and your partner, exhausted from everyday demands, and lack a sense of meaning and purpose in life, you can be sure you have not yet created your Sacred Space. Be assured, you are not alone in this. Our current culture encourages us to focus on the future, on productivity, on keeping-up, and on always making good use of our time. While these values are certainly worthwhile, when they override our primal need for peace, presence, and connection, we risk emotional, physical and spiritual imbalance, and possibly even illness. When we begin to give ourselves permission to slow down, connect with our feelings, tap into our authentic self, and be vulnerable enough to ask for what we need, and to seek it with passion, we open the door to manifesting the life we desire.
Creating Sacred Space for Your Relationship
Finding Your Way Back to You

Finding Your Way Back to You

Have you ever yearned to discover your true purpose or tap into your creative passions to make a meaningful impact? Unlock the secrets to a life of happiness, fulfillment, and personal greatness with this course by inspirational speaker and author Heather Beck. Through expert teachings, guided meditations, and empowering exercises, you will navigate the pathway to becoming your authentic self, overcome resistance and societal constraints, and unleash your inner gifts. Discover how to experience the joy of doing what you love every day and align with your purpose in this transformative course.
Finding Your Way Back to You
Guided Journal Prompts to Overcome Loss

Guided Journal Prompts to Overcome Loss

Writing is a highly effective approach to heal from emotional pain and loss because it helps you unfold and reveal yourself in new ways. In this 9-day course, creative healer Kathy Curtis will show you how to express your personal story through a series of letters. With the support of empowering meditations, reflection exercises, and soothing self-care advice, you'll be able to better understand your experience and foster a deeper trust in your own resilience and courage. By the end, you’ll have all the tools you need to bring growth into all aspects of your life, and can move forward with peace.
Guided Journal Prompts to Overcome Loss
21 Days to Love Your Body

21 Days to Love Your Body

Your body is precious. Learn how to release the negative emotional weight that sabotages your health goals. In this course by transformational coach Melody Litton, you'll learn through audio meditations and videos how to heal your relationship with your body, eat more mindfully, cultivate body appreciation, and create energetic shifts so you connect with your most divine, radiant self. Enroll in this program today.
21 Days to Love Your Body
Overcoming Fear

Overcoming Fear

Learn how to step out of your fears, embrace your imperfections, and reclaim the confidence you need to accomplish all that you desire. In this course, personal transformation pioneer Debbie Ford will offer action steps, guided meditations, and empowering affirmations to help you feel rooted in your highest self, set healthy boundaries, and build on your natural strengths. This process will give you all the tools you need to access the deep well of courage that already resides within you.
Overcoming Fear
Combating Emotional Vampires

Combating Emotional Vampires

If you’ve ever left a conversation feeling totally drained without knowing why, you may have been in the presence of an “emotional vampire”. In this course, NYT bestselling author Judith Orloff, MD shares key lessons on how to protect your energy in any relationship. You’ll learn how to identify emotional vampires, set healthy boundaries without alienating others, protect yourself in crowds, and more. An essential course for anyone who wants to keep their energy and emotions strong and clear.
Combating Emotional Vampires
How to Overcome Depression

How to Overcome Depression

In this powerful course, therapist and coach Dr. Eric Maisel will provide proven tools to attain balance within and be more in control of your mood. With Eric's healing practices and tips, you'll create a supportive and kind inner dialogue as well as cultivate deeper meaning in your life. By the end, you’ll positively transform your mindset and have a natural way to unlock greater happiness.
How to Overcome Depression
Master the Path of the Peaceful Warrior

Master the Path of the Peaceful Warrior

Expand your soul and strengthen your spirit with international bestselling author and master coach Dan Millman. This course will help you look at your life in relationship to the twelve key facets of spiritual growth and lead you on a path toward living from your highest potential. You'll discover your worth, open yourself to abundance, face your fears, and gain a new sense of vitality that will help you finally understand what it means to live with a peaceful heart and a warrior's spirit.
Master the Path of the Peaceful Warrior
From Emotional Distress to Emotional Bliss

From Emotional Distress to Emotional Bliss

Lighten your heart, recover from sadness, and move forward in ways that will change your experience of life. Learn how to transform your mental health with this course by Dr. Eric Maisel. You’ll gain an array of holistic anxiety-management techniques that only take a few minutes to do and mindful practices that shift negative self-talk into constructive thoughts that serve you.
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End Anxiety and Panic Attacks

End Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Learn to rewire an anxious mind and restore inner peace within seconds. This course by neuro-linguistic trainer Ashley James will provide holistic step-by-step guidance, so you can find immediate relief and prevent anxiety and panic attacks. Through neuroscience-based advice, simple exercises, and insightful journaling, you will gain more mental clarity, uncover how to navigate your unique triggers, and change the behaviors that are making you feel stuck. By the end of this course, you'll have the skills you need to live a happier and more fulfilled life.
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